The enclosed file called Suite.TFSuite is a TeleFinder sysop utility for use with UserLand's Frontier product.
Once this suite is installed and once you have set the directory for where all of your TeleFinder mail folders reside, this Frontier script will distribute something from the Sysop to ALL users on the system.
For proper use, we recommend the following.
1. Create a text message or prepare a new file for distribution to your Telefinder users. Store this file at the root level or your hard disk, or in a special folder OTHER than where your mail folders reside. (If you don't do this, you'll get hung up later on.)
2. Run Frontier. From the menu choose TF Tweaks.
3. You will see in the new TF Tweaks menu the following:
Mail to All - Text
Mail to All - Any
4. Select the appropriate menu item and you will be asked to choose the file that you want to distribute to all your users.
5. Assuming you've entered your default mail path into the script (ours is MACNEXUS:BBS:MAIL:) the script will make an alias of whatever it is you're sending and deposit a copy of the alias in the mail folder of each user.
<< Note: if you didn't follow our advice and put your file for distribution outside the mail path, Frontier will see the original of the file and try to replace it with an alias of the file! That's why we told you to put the original of the file outside the path of the mail folder area! >>
6. NEW - Make your own list of folders to exclude. Thanks to Bob Studer of MacNexus, version 1.1 now has the ability to allow the Sysop to enter a list of exceptions, which are folders in the target path which will NOT receive the alias. Fidonet Sysops should enter the names of mail folders for Netmail, Unposted Netmail, Unposted Echomail, and Error Netmail, along with any other special folders you might have that you don't want cluttered up with mass mailings.